Samaritan Behavioral Health

Talking About Mental Health

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May 05

It’s hard to start the conversation about your mental health, but our guide can help you get started. It’s time to talk about your mental health when…

  1. You just don’t “feel right” and aren’t sure why.
  2. Your thoughts or things you do just don’t seem the way other people think or behave.
  3. Your thoughts, feelings or behaviors are starting to affect your life at home, school or with friends in a bad way.
  4. You’ve had some of the signs and symptoms for more than a week.

Start a conversation about mental health when there is an open window of time to have an in-depth discussion, and neither you or the person you’re talking to will have to cut the conversation short to take care of other obligations. Plan to set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour.

View/download some helpful PDFs that can help you talk with others about mental health:

View/download PDF for: What if someone talks to you about their mental health?

View/download PDF for: What if a child or teen talks to you abut their mental health?

View/download PDF for: Talking to parents about your mental health